Just like the changing seasons bringing death and new birth, our lives are constantly changing too. New challenges, new joys, new growth and new paths to follow.
For me, life balance is found deep in my heart and soul. Nature balances me.
Last week we lost a very special being in our lives and although we knew it was her time to leave this world, nothing prepares you for the finality of death. And I felt unbalanced.
Yesterday, my daughter and I unplugged and spent the afternoon down at the lake.
We decided to create some LAND ART. I absolutely LOVE creating art out of raw materials from nature. The art you create feels like part of the landscape, one with nature. Balancing the stones takes patience and understanding.
Time in nature helps us to understand and appreciate patience and how unpredictable life can be.
The light was spectacular and as I gazed at the mini sculpture and beyond, a sense of calm and peace enveloped me.
Nature’s beauty inspires and sustains me. It is this deep connection with the earths energy, that sense of oneness you feel when surrounded by our beautiful, enchanted Mother Earth……making me feel Complete…. Whole…. Grateful…… Joyous…… Happy…. .Peaceful….. Loved……Balanced!
My daughter and I sat on the rocks and we talked about the loved one we had lost. We remembered her laughter and kindness, her beautiful smile and warmth and knew within our hearts she will always be with us in spirit.
We left the Lake feeling a little more balanced.
May you all be blessed with a balance in your life, Love and Peace, Marghanita xx